[PATCH] Use a make variable instead of preprocessing for srcroot, and simplify source files handling

Mike Hommey mh+jemalloc at glandium.org
Thu Apr 12 08:14:36 PDT 2012

From: Mike Hommey <mh at glandium.org>

 Makefile.in |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index da07db4..b879807 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ INCLUDEDIR := $(DESTDIR)@INCLUDEDIR@
+srcroot := @srcroot@
 # Build parameters.
-CPPFLAGS := @CPPFLAGS@ -I at srcroot@include -Iinclude
+CPPFLAGS := @CPPFLAGS@ -I$(srcroot)include -Iinclude
 ifeq (macho, @abi@)
 CFLAGS += -dynamic
@@ -41,19 +42,19 @@ TEST_LIBRARY_PATH :=
 # Lists of files.
-BINS := @srcroot at bin/pprof bin/jemalloc.sh
+BINS := $(srcroot)bin/pprof bin/jemalloc.sh
 CHDRS := include/jemalloc/jemalloc at install_suffix@.h \
 	include/jemalloc/jemalloc_defs at install_suffix@.h
-CSRCS := @srcroot at src/jemalloc.c @srcroot at src/arena.c @srcroot at src/atomic.c \
-	@srcroot at src/base.c @srcroot at src/bitmap.c @srcroot at src/chunk.c \
-	@srcroot at src/chunk_dss.c @srcroot at src/chunk_mmap.c \
-	@srcroot at src/ckh.c @srcroot at src/ctl.c @srcroot at src/extent.c \
-	@srcroot at src/hash.c @srcroot at src/huge.c @srcroot at src/mb.c \
-	@srcroot at src/mutex.c @srcroot at src/prof.c @srcroot at src/quarantine.c \
-	@srcroot at src/rtree.c @srcroot at src/stats.c @srcroot at src/tcache.c \
-	@srcroot at src/util.c @srcroot at src/tsd.c
+CSRCS := src/jemalloc.c src/arena.c src/atomic.c \
+	src/base.c src/bitmap.c src/chunk.c \
+	src/chunk_dss.c src/chunk_mmap.c \
+	src/ckh.c src/ctl.c src/extent.c \
+	src/hash.c src/huge.c src/mb.c \
+	src/mutex.c src/prof.c src/quarantine.c \
+	src/rtree.c src/stats.c src/tcache.c \
+	src/util.c src/tsd.c
 ifeq (macho, @abi@)
-CSRCS += @srcroot at src/zone.c
+CSRCS += src/zone.c
 STATIC_LIBS := lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.a
 DSOS := lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.$(SO).$(REV) \
@@ -61,15 +62,15 @@ DSOS := lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.$(SO).$(REV) \
 	lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@_pic.a
 MAN3 := doc/jemalloc at install_suffix@.3
 DOCS_XML := doc/jemalloc at install_suffix@.xml
-DOCS_HTML := $(DOCS_XML:%.xml=@srcroot@%.html)
-DOCS_MAN3 := $(DOCS_XML:%.xml=@srcroot@%.3)
+DOCS_HTML := $(DOCS_XML:%.xml=$(srcroot)%.html)
+DOCS_MAN3 := $(DOCS_XML:%.xml=$(srcroot)%.3)
-CTESTS := @srcroot at test/aligned_alloc.c @srcroot at test/allocated.c \
-	@srcroot at test/bitmap.c @srcroot at test/mremap.c \
-	@srcroot at test/posix_memalign.c @srcroot at test/thread_arena.c \
-	@srcroot at test/thread_tcache_enabled.c
+CTESTS := test/aligned_alloc.c test/allocated.c \
+	test/bitmap.c test/mremap.c \
+	test/posix_memalign.c test/thread_arena.c \
+	test/thread_tcache_enabled.c
 ifeq (@enable_experimental@, 1)
-CTESTS += @srcroot at test/allocm.c @srcroot at test/rallocm.c
+CTESTS += test/allocm.c test/rallocm.c
 .PHONY: all dist doc_html doc_man doc
@@ -77,17 +78,17 @@ endif
 .PHONY: install_html install_man install_doc install
 .PHONY: tests check clean distclean relclean
-.SECONDARY : $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%.o)
+.SECONDARY : $(CTESTS:%.c=%.o)
 # Default target.
 all: build
 dist: build_doc
- at srcroot@doc/%.html : doc/%.xml @srcroot at doc/stylesheet.xsl doc/html.xsl
+$(srcroot)doc/%.html : doc/%.xml $(srcroot)doc/stylesheet.xsl doc/html.xsl
 	@XSLTPROC@ -o $@ doc/html.xsl $<
- at srcroot@doc/%.3 : doc/%.xml @srcroot at doc/stylesheet.xsl doc/manpages.xsl
+$(srcroot)doc/%.3 : doc/%.xml $(srcroot)doc/stylesheet.xsl doc/manpages.xsl
 	@XSLTPROC@ -o $@ doc/manpages.xsl $<
 build_doc_html: $(DOCS_HTML)
@@ -97,16 +98,16 @@ build_doc: $(DOCS)
 # Include generated dependency files.
--include $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.d)
--include $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.pic.d)
--include $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%.d)
+-include $(CSRCS:%.c=%.d)
+-include $(CSRCS:%.c=%.pic.d)
+-include $(CTESTS:%.c=%.d)
-src/%.o: @srcroot at src/%.c
+src/%.o: $(srcroot)src/%.c
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<
 	@$(SHELL) -ec "$(CC) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed \"s/\($(subst /,\/,$(notdir $(basename $@)))\)\.o\([ :]*\)/$(subst /,\/,$(strip $(dir $@)))\1.o \2/g\" > $(@:%.o=%.d)"
-src/%.pic.o: @srcroot at src/%.c
+src/%.pic.o: $(srcroot)src/%.c
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -DPIC -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<
 	@$(SHELL) -ec "$(CC) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed \"s/\($(subst /,\/,$(notdir $(basename $(basename $@))))\)\.o\([ :]*\)/$(subst /,\/,$(strip $(dir $@)))\1.pic.o \2/g\" > $(@:%.o=%.d)"
@@ -115,19 +116,19 @@ src/%.pic.o: @srcroot at src/%.c
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	ln -sf $(<F) $@
-lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.$(SO).$(REV) : $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.pic.o)
+lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.$(SO).$(REV) : $(CSRCS:%.c=%.pic.o)
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	$(CC) -shared -Wl,-$(WL_SONAME),$(@F) $(RPATH_EXTRA:%=@RPATH@%) -o $@ $+ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@_pic.a : $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.pic.o)
+lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@_pic.a : $(CSRCS:%.c=%.pic.o)
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	ar crus $@ $+
-lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.a : $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.o)
+lib/libjemalloc at install_suffix@.a : $(CSRCS:%.c=%.o)
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	ar crus $@ $+
-test/%.o: @srcroot at test/%.c
+test/%.o: $(srcroot)test/%.c
 	@mkdir -p $(@D)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -Itest -o $@ $<
 	@$(SHELL) -ec "$(CC) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) -Itest $< | sed \"s/\($(subst /,\/,$(notdir $(basename $@)))\)\.o\([ :]*\)/$(subst /,\/,$(strip $(dir $@)))\1.o \2/g\" > $(@:%.o=%.d)"
@@ -192,20 +193,20 @@ install_doc: install_doc_html install_doc_man
 install: install_bin install_include install_lib install_doc
-tests: $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%)
+tests: $(CTESTS:%.c=%)
 check: tests
 	@mkdir -p test
 	@$(SHELL) -c 'total=0; \
 		failures=0; \
 		echo "========================================="; \
-		for t in $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%); do \
+		for t in $(CTESTS:%.c=%); do \
 			total=`expr $$total + 1`; \
 			/bin/echo -n "$${t} ... "; \
 			$(TEST_LIBRARY_PATH) $${t} @abs_srcroot@ @abs_objroot@ \
 			  > $${t}.out 2>&1; \
-			if test -e "@srcroot@$${t}.exp"; then \
-				diff -w -u @srcroot@$${t}.exp \
+			if test -e "$(srcroot)$${t}.exp"; then \
+				diff -w -u $(srcroot)$${t}.exp \
 				  $${t}.out >/dev/null 2>&1; \
 				fail=$$?; \
 				if test "$${fail}" -eq "1" ; then \
@@ -223,14 +224,14 @@ check: tests
 		echo "Failures: $${failures}/$${total}"'
-	rm -f $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.o)
-	rm -f $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.pic.o)
-	rm -f $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.d)
-	rm -f $(CSRCS:@srcroot@%.c=%.pic.d)
-	rm -f $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%)
-	rm -f $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%.o)
-	rm -f $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%.d)
-	rm -f $(CTESTS:@srcroot@%.c=%.out)
+	rm -f $(CSRCS:%.c=%.o)
+	rm -f $(CSRCS:%.c=%.pic.o)
+	rm -f $(CSRCS:%.c=%.d)
+	rm -f $(CSRCS:%.c=%.pic.d)
+	rm -f $(CTESTS:%.c=%)
+	rm -f $(CTESTS:%.c=%.o)
+	rm -f $(CTESTS:%.c=%.d)
+	rm -f $(CTESTS:%.c=%.out)
 	rm -f $(DSOS) $(STATIC_LIBS)
 distclean: clean
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ distclean: clean
 relclean: distclean
 	rm -f configure
-	rm -f @srcroot at VERSION
+	rm -f $(srcroot)VERSION
 	rm -f $(DOCS_HTML)
 	rm -f $(DOCS_MAN3)
@@ -251,16 +252,16 @@ relclean: distclean
 # Re-configuration rules.
 ifeq (@enable_autogen@, 1)
- at srcroot@configure : @srcroot at configure.ac
-	cd ./@srcroot@ && @AUTOCONF@
+$(srcroot)configure : $(srcroot)configure.ac
+	cd ./$(srcroot) && @AUTOCONF@
-config.status : @srcroot at configure
+config.status : $(srcroot)configure
 	./config.status --recheck
- at srcroot@config.stamp.in : @srcroot at configure.ac
-	echo stamp > @srcroot at config.stamp.in
+$(srcroot)config.stamp.in : $(srcroot)configure.ac
+	echo stamp > $@
-config.stamp : @cfgoutputs_in@ @cfghdrs_in@ @srcroot at configure
+config.stamp : @cfgoutputs_in@ @cfghdrs_in@ $(srcroot)configure
 	@touch $@

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