Coverity scan results

Jason Evans jasone at
Sat Oct 11 21:51:50 PDT 2014

On Oct 11, 2014, at 8:35 PM, Eduardo Silva <edsiper at> wrote:
> In Monkey[0] we use Jemalloc by default and when running a Coverity[1]
> static code analysis, it reported some issues, maybe some of them are
> false positives, but is better you check this:

Thanks for running Coverity on jemalloc.  I received a Coverity analysis report from Pat Lynch last year for jemalloc 3.4.0 and fixed several bugs as a result.  This time around, I don't see any bugs that haven't already been fixed in the dev branch, though I'd love to see Coverity results for the dev branch of jemalloc.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1017561:  Macro compares unsigned to 0  (NO_EFFECT)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/jemalloc.c: 603 in malloc_conf_init()
> 597                                 SIZE_T_MAX, false)
> 598                             CONF_HANDLE_SSIZE_T(opt_lg_dirty_mult,
> "lg_dirty_mult",
> 599                                 -1, (sizeof(size_t) << 3) - 1)
> 600                             CONF_HANDLE_BOOL(opt_stats_print, "stats_print")
> 601                             if (config_fill) {
> 602                                     CONF_HANDLE_BOOL(opt_junk, "junk")
>>>>    CID 1017561:  Macro compares unsigned to 0  (NO_EFFECT)
>>>>    This less-than-zero comparison of an unsigned value is never true. "um < 0UL".
> 603
> CONF_HANDLE_SIZE_T(opt_quarantine, "quarantine",
> 604                                         0, SIZE_T_MAX, false)
> 605                                     CONF_HANDLE_BOOL(opt_redzone, "redzone")
> 606                                     CONF_HANDLE_BOOL(opt_zero, "zero")
> 607                             }
> 608                             if (config_utrace) {

This is protected by a comparison to 0, so there is no actual incorrect behavior, though Coverity continues to warn.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1018162:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/jemalloc.c: 1978 in jemalloc_constructor()
> 1972      */
> 1973     JEMALLOC_ATTR(constructor)
> 1974     static void
> 1975     jemalloc_constructor(void)
> 1976     {
> 1977
>>>>    CID 1018162:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>>    Calling "malloc_init" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 10 out of 11 times).
> 1978            malloc_init();
> 1979     }
> 1980
> 1981     #ifndef JEMALLOC_MUTEX_INIT_CB
> 1982     void
> 1983     jemalloc_prefork(void)

There are no actionable consequences to this call failing.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1019005:  Uninitialized pointer read  (UNINIT)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/ctl.c: 1344 in arena_i_dss_ctl()
> 1338            dss_prec_t dss_prec = dss_prec_limit;
> 1339
> 1340            malloc_mutex_lock(&ctl_mtx);
> 1341            WRITE(dss, const char *);
> 1342            match = false;
> 1343            for (i = 0; i < dss_prec_limit; i++) {
>>>>    CID 1019005:  Uninitialized pointer read  (UNINIT)
>>>>    Using uninitialized value "dss" when calling "strcmp".
> 1344                    if (strcmp(dss_prec_names[i], dss) == 0) {
> 1345                            dss_prec = i;
> 1346                            match = true;
> 1347                            break;
> 1348                    }
> 1349            }

Fixed recently:

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1022889:  Missing unlock  (LOCK)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/arena.c: 1848 in arena_dalloc_bin_run()
> 1842            arena_run_dalloc(arena, run, true, false);
> 1843            malloc_mutex_unlock(&arena->lock);
> 1844            /****************************/
> 1845            malloc_mutex_lock(&bin->lock);
> 1846            if (config_stats)
> 1847                    bin->stats.curruns--;
>>>>    CID 1022889:  Missing unlock  (LOCK)
>>>>    Returning without unlocking "bin->lock.lock".
> 1848     }
> 1849
> 1850     static void
> 1851     arena_bin_lower_run(arena_t *arena, arena_chunk_t *chunk,
> arena_run_t *run,
> 1852         arena_bin_t *bin)
> 1853     {

This function actually drops bin->lock, does some other work, then reacquires bin->lock, so there is no issue.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1193408:  Free of address-of expression  (BAD_FREE)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/chunk_mmap.c: 110 in pages_trim()
> 104             {
> 105                     size_t trailsize = alloc_size - leadsize - size;
> 106
> 107                     if (leadsize != 0)
> 108                             pages_unmap(addr, leadsize);
> 109                     if (trailsize != 0)
>>>>    CID 1193408:  Free of address-of expression  (BAD_FREE)
>>>>    "pages_unmap" frees address offset from "ret".
> 110                             pages_unmap((void *)((uintptr_t)ret +
> size), trailsize);
> 111                     return (ret);
> 112             }
> 113     #endif
> 114     }
> 115

This is intentional.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1194963:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/prof.c: 430 in prof_ctx_init()
> 424             ctx->bt = bt;
> 425             ctx->lock = prof_ctx_mutex_choose();
> 426             /*
> 427              * Set nlimbo to 1, in order to avoid a race condition with
> 428              * prof_ctx_merge()/prof_ctx_destroy().
> 429              */
>>>>    CID 1194963:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
>>>>    Accessing "ctx->nlimbo" without holding lock "malloc_mutex_s.lock". Elsewhere, "prof_ctx_s.nlimbo" is accessed with "malloc_mutex_s.lock" held 5 out of 7 times (2 of these accesses strongly imply that it is necessary).
> 430             ctx->nlimbo = 1;
> 431             ql_elm_new(ctx, dump_link);
> 432             memset(&ctx->cnt_merged, 0, sizeof(prof_cnt_t));
> 433             ql_new(&ctx->cnts_ql);
> 434     }
> 435

Lock-free data structures make this okay.  Note that the lock-free data structures are gone in the dev branch, so the false positive list should be much shorter there.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1194964:  Illegal address computation  (OVERRUN)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/prof.c: 964 in prof_dump_maps()
> 958                                     if (prof_dump_flush(propagate_err) &&
> 959                                         propagate_err) {
> 960                                             ret = true;
> 961                                             goto label_return;
> 962                                     }
> 963                             }
>>>>    CID 1194964:  Illegal address computation  (OVERRUN)
>>>>    "&prof_dump_buf[prof_dump_buf_end]" evaluates to an address that is at byte offset 65536 of an array of 1 bytes.
> 964                             nread = read(mfd,
> &prof_dump_buf[prof_dump_buf_end],
> 965                                 PROF_DUMP_BUFSIZE - prof_dump_buf_end);
> 966                     } while (nread > 0);
> 967             } else {
> 968                     ret = true;
> 969                     goto label_return;

This is in unreachable code due to configuration.  If heap profiling were enabled, the buffer would be large enough to be safe.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1221142:  Double lock  (LOCK)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/prof.c: 1388 in je_prof_prefork()
> 1382            if (opt_prof) {
> 1383                    unsigned i;
> 1384
> 1385                    malloc_mutex_prefork(&bt2ctx_mtx);
> 1386                    malloc_mutex_prefork(&prof_dump_seq_mtx);
> 1387                    for (i = 0; i < PROF_NCTX_LOCKS; i++)
>>>>    CID 1221142:  Double lock  (LOCK)
>>>>    "je_malloc_mutex_prefork" locks "ctx_locks[i].lock" twice.
> 1388                            malloc_mutex_prefork(&ctx_locks[i]);
> 1389            }
> 1390     }
> 1391
> 1392     void
> 1393     prof_postfork_parent(void)

i increments, so this code doesn't actually double lock the same mutex.  It's interesting that Coverity detects iteration, but doesn't detect that the loop variable discriminates mutexes.

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> [... numerous warnings due to lock-free data structures ...]

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *** CID 1221208:  Wrong sizeof argument  (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
> /deps/jemalloc/src/stats.c: 410 in je_stats_print()
> 404
> 405                     malloc_cprintf(write_cb, cbopaque, "CPUs: %u\n", ncpus);
> 406
> 407                     CTL_GET("arenas.narenas", &uv, unsigned);
> 408                     malloc_cprintf(write_cb, cbopaque, "Arenas: %u\n", uv);
> 409
>>>>    CID 1221208:  Wrong sizeof argument  (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
>>>>    Passing argument "cbopaque" of type "void *" and argument "8UL /* sizeof (void *) */" to function "je_malloc_cprintf" is suspicious.
> 410                     malloc_cprintf(write_cb, cbopaque, "Pointer
> size: %zu\n",
> 411                         sizeof(void *));
> 412
> 413                     CTL_GET("arenas.quantum", &sv, size_t);
> 414                     malloc_cprintf(write_cb, cbopaque, "Quantum
> size: %zu\n", sv);
> 415

This appears to be  tripping up an inapplicable detector in Coverity.

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