Memory profiling on SH4

Jason Evans jasone at
Wed Dec 12 09:13:39 PST 2012

On Dec 6, 2012, at 5:07 AM, Konstantin Tokarev <annulen at> wrote:
> I'm trying to use jemalloc's memory profiler on SH4.
> I've tried to use all available ways of unwinding: gcc, libgcc, and libunwind (recently ported to SH4). However, I always get meaningless dumps like
> heap profile: 6: 49296 [0: 0] @ heap_v2/524288
> 6: 49296 [0: 0] @
> ....
> Any idea what am I missing here? I used both LD_PRELOAD and compile-time linking of, my application is built with debug information and -rdynamic, I use MALLOC_CONF=prof:true to enable profiling.
> If no idea, how can I debug where the issue lies?

The problem looks to be related to backtracing.  There are three mechanisms currently supported: libunwind, libgcc, and gcc intrinsics.  Sadly, no single solution works everywhere, so I'd recommend trying libunwind to see if it does any better than libgcc.  See INSTALL for configuration details.


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