Frequent segfaults in 2.2.5

Jason Evans jasone at
Mon Jun 3 21:11:41 PDT 2013

On Jun 3, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Rogier 'DocWilco' Mulhuijzen <rogier+jemalloc at> wrote:
> We're currently using jemalloc 2.2.5 statically linked into a private fork of Varnish with a very high rate of malloc/calloc/free, and we're seeing segfaults on a somewhat frequent basis. (one a day on a group of 6 hosts.)
> We had the same segfaults with 2.2.3, and upgrading to 2.2.5 seems not to have helped.
> (Also, we tried upgrading to 3.3.1 and things just got worse, tried enabling debugging which made it even more worse. Under time pressure, we dropped down to 2.2.5)
> I should mention that I backported the mmap strategy from 3.3.1 into 2.2.5, to prevent VM fragmentation, which was causing us to run into vm.max_map_count.
> So, to the meat of the problem! (We saw these in both 2.2.3 without the mmap strategy backported, and 2.2.5 with mmap strategy backported.) 
> Unfortunately, we don't have core files (we're running with 153G resident, and 4075G virtual process size on one of the hosts that I'm looking at right now) so the internal Varnish (libgcc based) backtrace is all we have:
> 0x483894: arena_tcache_fill_small+1a4
> 0x4916b9: tcache_alloc_small_hard+19
> 0x4841bf: arena_malloc+1bf
> 0x47b498: calloc+218
> Looking that up:
> # addr2line -e /usr/sbin/varnishd -i 0x483894
> /varnish-cache/lib/libjemalloc/include/jemalloc/internal/bitmap.h:101
> /varnish-cache/lib/libjemalloc/include/jemalloc/internal/bitmap.h:140
> /varnish-cache/lib/libjemalloc/src/arena.c:264
> /varnish-cache/lib/libjemalloc/src/arena.c:1395
> Which looks like:
> 97	goff = bit >> LG_BITMAP_GROUP_NBITS;
> 98	gp = &bitmap[goff];
> 99	g = *gp;
> 100	assert(g & (1LU << (bit & BITMAP_GROUP_NBITS_MASK)));
> 101	g ^= 1LU << (bit & BITMAP_GROUP_NBITS_MASK);
> 102	*gp = g;
> Which makes no sense at first, since there's no deref being done there, but a disassembly (thanks Devon) shows:
>   483883:       48 c1 ef 06             shr    $0x6,%rdi
>   483887:       83 e1 3f                and    $0x3f,%ecx
>   48388a:       4c 8d 04 fa             lea    (%rdx,%rdi,8),%r8
>   48388e:       49 d3 e1                shl    %cl,%r9
>   483891:       4c 89 c9                mov    %r9,%rcx
>   483894:       49 33 08                xor    (%r8),%rcx
> The optimizer got rid of g and just does the xor straight on *gp. So gp is an illegal address. According to our segfault handler, it's NULL.
> For gp to be NULL, both bitmap and goff need to be NULL. And bitmap being NULL is somewhat impossible due to:
> 		if ((run = bin->runcur) != NULL && run->nfree > 0)
> 			ptr = arena_run_reg_alloc(run, &arena_bin_info[binind]);
> bitmap is an offset to run, so both the offset and the run need to be NULL (or perfectly matched to cancel eachother out, but also unlikely.)
> bin->runcur and bin->bitmap_offset both being NULL seems _very_ unlikely.
> And that's about as far as we've gotten.
> Help?

This sort of crash can happen as a distant result of a double-free.  For example:

1) free(p)
2) free(p) corrupts run counters, causing the run to be deallocated.
3) free(q) causes the deallocated run to be placed back in service, but with definite corruption.
4) malloc(…) tries to allocate from run, but run metadata are in a bad state.

My suggestion is to enable assertions (something like: CFLAGS=-O3 ./configure --enable-debug --disable-tcache), disable tcache (which can keep double free bugs from exercising the assertions), and look for the source of corruption.  I'll be surprised if the problem deviates substantially from the above, but if it does, then my next bet will be a buffer overflow corrupting run metadata.

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